This post has been very difficult for me to write as I have very strong feelings against Statutory Rape laws and after a lot of research and careful consideration, I am still not sold on the efficiency of this law.
The Statutory Rape law basically makes it illegal for any person over 18 to have consensual sex with a person under 18. The laws very from state to state but let's use this definition to keep analysis simple.
This statutory rape law basically employs the idea of strict liability which says that by committing the act, the wrongdoer accepts absolute legal responsibility for the act despite any intentions and/or negligence on behalf of the victim. The penalty for statutory rape is a felony conviction, prison sentence, and sex offender registration (in some states).
Let's first look at the justification for such sever penalties. Statutory rape is not frequently enforced in that police officers are not busting down the doors of 19 years olds to see if they are having sex with a minor. There is very little evidence of the crime that is in the public domain. Therefore, we can say that the enforcement of the law is very low, normally occuring if a complaint is made. If the parties know this, the low probability of being caught will not deter the parties. The law must then enact a harsh penalty to create a deterrence effect. This is economically efficient because it reduces transaction costs.
The rule of strict liability limits the degree of evidence needed for a conviction. Since there is no defense, the prosecutor must only show that the act happened without showing intent of the wrongdoer or negligence of the victim. This greatly reduces the administrative costs of justice which are considered when making laws. The costs to prosecute must be proportionate to the benefit society will gain from the prosecution.
The statutory rape law is partly justified by true paternalism and externalities. True paternalism is the notion that, in this case, the government knows better what you need than yourself. The district attorney will pursue a statutory rape case based on the assumption that the minor is an irrational agent. But is this assumption wholly ill-based?
Criminal law does not stand solely to bring justice to minor in question but to increase social welfare; this is where externalities come in. It may be that the relationship between the wrongdoer and victim was completely consensual and further, let's assume the victim was a rational agent; why can this case still be pursued by the DA? It's the externality argument. The US government does not want sex between minors and people over 18 to occur regularly in fear of creating an atmosphere where this act was commonplace. An atmosphere such as that could have negative effects on society, including parents and general distaste among ordinary people. Therefore, it is more efficient to have a strict liability law forbidding it.
Taking from contract law we use the concept of default rules. One of the many purposes of default rules is to encourage full disclosure of information; therefore, the default rule holds the party with more information at fault. In our discussion, would this not be the minor? Suppose that the minor misled or simply did not offer the information to the person over 18, should the minor not be held liable? Because the statutory rape law goes against this principle, it can be said that it is not the most efficient law.
On the same subject of misrepresentation, could we not charge the minor with intentional fraud or unitentional misrepresentation? The minor chose to withold information that led to the crime; why is the minor not liable? Once again, this seems to be an inefficient result.
Further, let's look at the incentives the law creates. I would have to say that when it comes to sex, disincentives are left at the doorstep. Instead of reducing the occurrence of relationships where one party is a minor, it increases the probability that these relationships are going to be kept secret. When and if someone discovers the relationship, there is no evidence to suggest that a relationship existed and the mere testimony from the minor would be seen as mere coercion, and therefore, an acquittal would be highly unlikely.
The conclusion to this piece is not definitive and I am still unsure about where I stand since there are good arguments for and against the efficiency of this law.
Great job on this blog! You have some very good points. This is slightly off topic but I was wondering if you had any input on public transportation. For example, here in Denver, the city wants to widen one of the main interstates (They would have to hollow more of the mountain out, something I am sure is very costly) to alleviate traffic jams.
ReplyDeleteI certainly see why this has been proposed but the last time Denver widened one of the interstates, the population growth was greater than anticipated and the new highway only ended up saving a mere 3 minutes or so. I think that Denver should spend the money on a commuter train. We already have the Light Rail which skirts part of the city so the infrastructure is doable. My argument is that it may cost more initially to create a train system but over the long term, it will be less expensive (no road maintenance, though surely other maintenance issues will arise) and better for the environment. It would free up the roads for local traffic considerably and would surely lower the accident rate. Also, every time the population grows or traffic gets more heavy, is it at all cost efficient to continually widen a highway? If there was a train, you could add more cars as the need rose instead of just throwing money at the problem.
To me, it seems a no brainer but I have read some articles on the topic and for whatever reasons, the politicians say a train system would never happen.
Do you have any thoughts? Again, I realize that this is way off topic but I would love to hear another perspective, especially from an economics background, because maybe I just don't get it.
i believe that statutory rape laws encourage human trafficking. it could discourage love relationships or casual relationships where minor is already corrupt and both adult and minor are irrational. but for real pedophile/predators it will encourage them to annonimously go to the underage prostitute through a pimp that is keeping them enslaved and chances are the girl will not remember guy's face and this encourages human trafficking just like drug laws encourage drug crimes
ReplyDeleteSovietrefugee -
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I understand your argument but it is an interesting idea, could you many explain it further?
I think that what you are saying is that statutory rape laws discourage a relationship between a minor and adult so that adult will then go to underage prostitutes to "get their fill." It is hard to look at the marginal effect of a law when applying it to other offenses such as soliciting prostitutes.
As you mentioned, the certainty of punishment is a better deterrent than the severety. This leads to a conclusion that a kidnapped and trafficked minor is less likely to report because they are held captive and often given drugs to forget their clients and pimps have no intentions of letting them out upon reaching adulthood. predator feels more comfortable with low probability of getting caught. the conditions those teens are living in are deplorable. the law is not purposely encouraging trafficking but it is an unintended consequence that creates network of pimps, clients and their connectors.